Mililani Home Value & Net Profit Estimate
If you want to know how much you could profit from selling your Mililani home today, fill out this short form and I’ll prepare you a custom market analysis that not only considers comparable homes but also your equity and closing costs to provide you with the most accurate net profit estimate that you won’t find on Zillow.
Mililani Market Statistics - Single Family Homes
Mililani Market Statistics - Condos/Townhomes
Jodi Mews // Real Estate Broker
Licensed and selling real estate since 2009, Jodi Mews is a trusted and proven top-selling Realtor. A high touch broker, she is known for her extensive market knowledge and dedication to her clients. Jodi’s success is based almost exclusively on referrals. Jodi earns the respect of her clients by working tirelessly on their behalf and always offering them candid advice. Jodi utilizes the latest in technologies and is supported by a dedicated team of professionals who share her same attention to detail and passion for perfection. Most important to Jodi is providing the highest level of service to her buyers and sellers in order to earn their trust, referrals, repeat business, and friendship.
When not selling real estate you can find Jodi coaching and developing other agents in the real estate business, spending time with her friends and family, or lacing up her favorite running shoes and training for the next marathon!